What We Do

Our Mission

Heart of a Mountain provides charitable services for veterans, service members, first responders, and their families to improve the quality of life by fostering and encouraging an in-home healing environment through the reduction of physical distractors within their proprietary dwelling and life-long engagement.

Why This Need

Every second of every day, our Military, Veterans, and First Responders are in a fight for their lives, marriages, families, and careers. These men and women have served us all faithfully through their sacrifice and service. Right there with them through it all has been the family. This fight for what is most important is happening within our communities - in their home. Mental health, physical disabilities, and the stress of everyday life create seemingly impossible obstacles that prevent the ability to address the environmental safety and security needs within their home environment. While there exist numerous organizations to address the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of Military, Veterans, and First Responders; there are few who are focused on encouraging the whole family.

The home is where the families spend most of their time and should be the most conducive healing environment. A common partner in crime to the daily distractions within the home environment is the lack of healthy encouragement and access to additional resources and care. Military and Veterans who have served their Nation faithfully and the First Responders who fight the battles here in our communities are in no shortage of struggles with mental health and physical injuries. Unfortunately, this will compound and can eventually result in more dire situations. Suicide, divorce, abuse, violence, and other extreme circumstances are the fruit of a lot of these struggles. These men and women, as well as their families, have been through more than most could ever imagine. The need must be addressed at the heart of the issue - in the home.

Why Heart of a Mountain

HōM support Database

  • Create a database of needs of Military, Veterans, First Responders and their families.
  • Assess local businesses and contractors to be partners with HōM.
  • Approve access to approved community businesses to the database.
  • Allow the businesses to select which projects they have the time, resources, and manpower to complete.
  • Provide additional manpower through the volunteers.
  • Premiere local business that are involved and have donated services.

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HōM Team Volunteering

  • Who: Anybody within the community with a heart to serve, Alumni of HōM, and their Families
  • Teams led by HōM Alumni – Military, Veteran, First Responder
  • Not every project requires as much skill as it does hearts, hands, and time.
  • Great opportunity for continued engagement of Alumni and families.
  • Couple Military, Veterans, and First Responders with community members.
  • Why: Volunteering has been shown to reduce stress and increase positive, relaxed feelings by releasing dopamine. Get mountain-high on volunteering with HōM!

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HōM Vault Grants

  • Not every project can simply be completed with time, talents, and resources.
  • Some projects have a greater financial need.
  • Build a larger pool of financial resources in order to address these needs.
  • Military, Veterans, First Responders and their families will be able to apply for support for larger projects.
  • Each request will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
  • Critical needs will be the focus.
  • HōM will serve as the primary liaison between hired contractors and the family.

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Steps Followed

01 —

Veteran / First Responder fills out initial intake form with as much details about their current situation in the House and HōM

HōM Staff conducts an initial review & schedules walkthrough assessment of the House & the HōM

— 02
03 —

HōM Staff triages and assigns resources based on availability of Funds, Volunteers and Affiliated Partners

Letter of Support & Agreement is produced detailing first coaching session and repairs for their house

— 04
05 —

Family graduates from Family Focused Coaching & is now part of active alumni giving back to the community through volunteer services with partnered Non-Profit Organizations

Discover the Treasure Within...